Hangzhou Asian Games MMC starts trial operation

2023/09/11 14:43

On the morning of September 9, the Main Media Centre (MMC) of Hangzhou Asian Games was put into trial operation.

The MMC, one of the major non-competition venues for Hangzhou Asian Games, serves as the headquarters of all accredited media and broadcasters. Each staff member plays a special role to ensure comprehensive media support services available. The MMC is ready to go.

At the launching ceremony, media representatives received the commemorative photo frames.

Throughout the trial operation period from September 9 to 17, reporters can validate their accreditation cards between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. in such places as Hangzhoudong Railway Station, Hangzhou International Airport, the MMC, and the Accreditation Sub-centre in the Asian Games Village, with their accreditation cards and valid ID cards.

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